updated January 12, 2004
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since May 12, 2000
Information Sheet
The Calvinist Cadet Corps is an independent youth ministry organization whose purpose is to provide the local church with a ministry program that will enable them to share Christ's love with boys from their church and community. The basis of the Calvinist Cadet Corps is the Word of God (the Bible) according to the concepts expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, and the Belgic Confession.
It is based in Grand Rapids Michigan.
It is a member of a non denominational Organization known as :
Dynamic Youth Ministries.
Other members are:
The Calvinist Cadet Corps provides material and program support for approx. 14000 boys and about 4200 counsellors in about 642 clubs located across Canada and the U.S.A. It also provides support for over one thousand cadets and counsellors in clubs through out Australia and New Zealand, as well as independant cadets in Japan, The Phillipines, Africa and other far reaches of the world.
Our program is geared for boys between the ages of 6 & 15 and we provide a varied weekly or by-weekly program of crafts, badges, Bible study, games and outings as well as camping, canoeing, hiking and other outdoor activities.
The Calvinist Cadet Corps also provides counselor training for counselors through a network of trainers known as DCEs (Developers of Counselor Education)
Visit the
DCE Home page
The clubs in the corps are divided into regional groups where ever possible .
These groups are known as councils.
Click on Canadian flag
To find where these clubs are
and which councils they are in.
Iroquois Council now produces
Cadet Derby Cars
Go to Cadet Derby
Car page
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more info you can request it via email fromdirector@calvinistcadets.org
or you may email me at bernard@teeninga.com
Official Home Page